Friday, May 4, 2007

Overnighter on the Tuolumne

Dan, Daniel, and myself did our first overnighter on the T last weekend. It was a really great time. We arrived at the takeout to find Jeremy Lynn waiting to take us to the Put in. Jeremy made this run possible and we can't thank him enough for it.

We put in at 3pm and paddled until about 5:45pm. The 1st 3-4 miles were amazing class III-IV rapids. They kept us very engaged and happy. At about mile 5, we hit Clavey Falls. At this level (900 cfs) there was a nice line on the right and a easier line on river left. We all ran it right. While scouting the rapid, Daniel spotted a small rattle snake in the rocks. It was fun to look at. We ended up eating it for dinner. Just kidding.

After paddling around 9 miles, we took off the river at a nicee sandy beach and camped for the night. Dan kept us all well fed with Tri-tip and spicy sausage. We spent the evening talking by the fire and then we hit the sack. Dan and Daniel had an intimate Brokeback moment that I can't really get into here.

The next day we ate some breakfast, broke down camp, and then hit the river around 9am. We paddled 1-2 class IV rapids and a bunch of III's. When we reached the final rapid we were greeted again by Jeremy, who had come down to take us to Rainbow Pools.

After a late lunch, we arrived at Rainbow Pools and played for about an hour on a nice 15-17 foot drop. It was sweet running it both in and out of a kayak. Jeremy and Dan were doing some cool cliff jumps, while Daniel filmed us.

We had a great run and hope to do it again soon. Unfortunatly, we read and ran almost everything, so I had very little time to film anything. I did manage to get a few of the rapids. I hope you enjoy the video.

Take care

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